On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

search engine optimisation translates to a strong return on investment. Our clients know firsthand how critical on-page SEO is because they’ve witnessed the direct commercial value of modernising their websites in line with Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines’ latest algorithm changes.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the organic SEO tactics and actions taken by marketers and webmasters to optimise individual webpages, including copy and HTML. By making adjustments to on-page elements, companies can increase their search engine ranking for keywords, generating more organic traffic and making their site more friendly to both users and search engine algorithms.

Common on-page elements to optimise include:

Why You Need On-Page SEO

When someone enters a query into a search engine, the search engine “crawls” billions of websites to find the most relevant pages to display in each search engine results page (SERP). Unlike your human website visitors who see the copy, images and other elements on your webpage, search engine crawlers primarily see the code behind the scenes.

On-page SEO aims to make that behind-the-scenes code as easy to parse for the crawlers as possible. This gives you the best chance to communicate to search engines that your webpage is worthy of being listed in the top results.

As a result, a good SEO campaign improves your online presence, making it easier for your audience to find your content and for search engines to index your pages.

Depending on your business model and its current marketing capabilities, search engine traffic may contribute 50-90% of all traffic to your site. In other words, on-page SEO helps get you in front of 50-90% of your prospects.

On-page SEO services can also be a key competitive differentiator in your industry. As traditional companies rely on legacy marketing tactics – business cards, handshake agreements, print advertising, etc. – you can use on-page SEO to reach a modern audience in an extremely efficient and cost-effective way.

Because SEO is an ongoing, long-term investment, making it a core function of your digital marketing strategy is best practice. Algorithms change and customer demands evolve. SEO allows you to quickly keep pace with these transformations so that your company achieves higher rankings, and is ever-present and ever-agile.

The Difference Between
On-Page and Off-Page SEO

SEO is a broad category that comprises numerous sub-disciplines. On-page and off-page SEO are the two main branches of SEO.

Off-page optimization includes the external, off-domain, indirect actions like:

Link Building

Influencer marketing

Guest Blogging

Brand Monitoring

Social media marketing on Twitter and other social media sites

Encouraging social bookmarking

On-page optimization includes the actions you take directly on your website, such as:

Choosing a relevant
meta tag for each page

Updating page content to
include targeted keyword phrases

Content creation designed to draw
your target audience to your site

Together these two wings of SEO create
360-degree SERP dominance.

Additional sub-categories of SEO include:

Every sub-discipline of SEO is recommended, though every brand will approach these areas of SEO from slightly different angles. That’s where an SEO agency can help: By working with a dedicated SEO consultant, you’ll have clear insight into the strategies that are poised to help your brand quickly realise sustainable success.

On-page SEO

Off-page SEO

Technical SEO

E-commerce SEO

Local SEO

Video SEO

And More

Swift’s On-Page SEO Services

Our on-page SEO services come in all shapes and sizes. They can be purchased à la carte, custom-quoted for unique projects or embedded into your rolling strategy.

Brafton SEO experts may recommend on-page SEO services that include, but are not limited to:

Each SEO technique involves hands-on technical and strategic support at all stages of the process via planning, execution and reporting.

Custom SEO Services for Your
Content Marketing Strategy

Swift on-page SEO services are existentially flexible and completely customisable to your brand’s current and future needs.

We’re an SEO company that knows our stuff. We adjust our SEO techniques according to the latest search engine ranking, social media and online presence best practices. As your industry changes, we introduce new concepts, experiments and products to stay ahead of competitors and empower you to take charge of your digital marketing strategy. We leverage the latest SEO tools to support your higher rankings, helping you to reach the most relevant audience.

A few examples of how your Brafton team works collaboratively with our internal departments and your own stakeholders can be seen in how we approach our pre-SEO process. For instance, we have dedicated, collaborative services that other agencies can’t provide at scale.

Search Performance Briefs

Our proprietary Search Performance Brief (SPB) is a roadmap to help content creators craft landing page copy to rank well in search and outpace your competition. It’s based on keyword research and includes data on your target term, semantically related keyword phrases, suggested internal links, critical questions to answer and more.

Site and SEO Audits

Our proprietary Search Performance Brief (SPB) is a roadmap to help content creators craft landing page copy to rank well in search and outpace your competition. It’s based on keyword research and includes data on your target term, semantically related keyword phrases, suggested internal links, critical questions to answer and more.

Copy refresh

Our proprietary Search Performance Brief (SPB) is a roadmap to help content creators craft landing page copy to rank well in search and outpace your competition. It’s based on keyword research and includes data on your target term, semantically related keyword phrases, suggested internal links, critical questions to answer and more.

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